Sponsor: US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Protocol Summary: 300 parents living with HIV (PLH) will be randomized into either an 1) experimental condition, a disclosure intervention or 2) attention control condition, a nutrition intervention. The intervention’s impact will be assessed over two years. A three-session, culturally tailored disclosure intervention will be delivered by local nurses and address planning for developmentally appropriate disclosure, responding to children’s reactions, building a supportive family environment, and custody planning. The attention control condition will be relevant to PLH, also delivered by nurses and address nutrition. This study seeks to evaluate the efficacy of the intervention to increase the frequency and timing of parental disclosure and to also assess the longitudinal impact of disclosure on parent (medical, psychological, social), child (psychological, behavioral, social) and family outcomes.
Years: 2012 – present
Investigator: Alfred Chingono, BSc, MSc
Location: Mutoko CRS (Protocol-specific Site)
Completed Study
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