Condom Promotion and Counseling
Sponsor: US National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Protocol Summary: The aim of the study was to evaluate the effectiveness of condom promotion and counseling messages on uptake of condoms as a means to prevent HIV transmission by comparing the prevalence of consistent condom use (defined as using condoms in more than 75% of coital acts) at enrollment versus the end of an 8 week intensive condom promotion counseling program. The second aim was to evaluate the overall effectiveness of condom promotion and counseling messages on continued use of condoms as a means to prevent HIV transmission by comparing the prevalence of consistent condom use at the condom promotion exit visit with the prevalence of consistent condom use during quarterly visits following the condom promotion counseling program.
Years: 1999 – 2003
Investigators: Z.M. Chirenje, MD, FRCOG
Tsungai Chipato, MBChB, FRCOG, MCE
Locations: Spilhaus and Seke South CRSs
Completed Study
Kumwenda N, Hoffman I, Chirenje ZM, Kelly C, Coletti A, et al. (2006) HIV incidence among women of reproductive age in Malawi and Zimbabwe. Sex Transm Dis; 33(11): 646-51
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