HPTN 082

Evaluation of Daily Oral PrEP as a Primary Prevention Strategy for Young African Women: A Vanguard Study

Division of AIDS (DAIDS)
National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)
National Institute of Mental health (NIMH)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Protocol Summary:
HPTN 082 is a sub-Saharan-based research study designed to assess the number of and characteristics of young women who accept versus decline pre-exposure prophlyaxis (PrEP) at enrollment. The study will also compare adherence to PrEP between women who are randomized to receive standard adherence support and those receiving enhanced adherence support.

Years: 2016 – present

Z.M. Chirenje, MD, FRCOG
Nyaradzo Mgodi, MSc, MBChB, MMed

Location: Spilhaus CRS


Current Study

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